Who Needs An Assupol Funeral Plan

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Who Needs An Assupol Funeral Plan?


This is an important question everybody should be asking. The short answer to this question is everybody needs an Assupol Funeral Plan. It’s obviously a bit more complicated than this. On this page, we will look at why you need to get some form of burial protection for you and your family.

What is Funeral Insurance?

Firstly, let’s look at what funeral insurance is. This is a type of insurance that makes money available when you or a loved one dies. The money is usually made available within about 24 hours. Having money fast makes it possible to arrange a burial as soon as possible. Knowing this, it should be clear that everybody needs cover. Everybody will die; unfortunately death is not something we can avoid. The responsible thing to do is to be prepared.

Peace of Mind

Secondly, it gives you peace of mind. Not having money can be a serious problem. Funerals are expensive. Not everybody knows this but even a basic funeral can cost upwards of R10 00. The sad reality is that a lot of people do not have this kind of money available unexpectedly. Remember, death can happen to anybody on any day. We often hear horror stories of families who cannot afford a worthy funeral. Sometimes families must scrape together funds by begging or taking out loans. With an Assupol funeral plan, you know that money will be available quickly and hassle free. This should give you the peace of mind that money will not be an issue at the time of death. The last thing you want is for your family to worry about money. At the time of death, there are many other things you could be focusing on.

Covering Family Members on Your Assupol Funeral Plan

Lastly, there are a lot of families with a single breadwinner. Most of us have family members who cannot afford to get funeral insurance. Unfortunately, in many cases, the family will have to fork out the money to bury these individuals. This is the reason why providers allow you to add your family members on your policy. You can cover as many of your family members as you need to. This is a great way to help your family financially. Each family member can have their own level of cover. This means you can make sure you can afford your policy. You can amend the cover levels until you are comfortable with your monthly premium.


Everybody needs a funeral plan, regardless of your age or health. Death can happen to any person on any day. It’s important to have some form of protection. Remember, accidents can happen to a person of any age. The older a person is, the more it will cost. This is because there are no medical examinations required to join. Obviously the older we are, the higher our risk will be to die of natural causes. To get a free Assupol funeral plan quote, please complete a contact form on our website. One of our qualified agents will be with you shortly. We are looking forward to serving you.



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